The Kero-World Difference

We sell only Kero-World Kerosene Heater Wicks. Here's why.
1) Kero-World wicks provide the maximum performance by using the newest technology available today! Exclusive Fiber-Graph burning surface has been proven (in independent tests) to reduce carbon build-up by as much as 38% over the competition’s wicks.
2) Kero-World wicks provide easier installation by using exact specifications. Their quality certification on each replacement wick insures you of correct length, diameter, and thickness for proper fit. This results in easier installation and the greatest heater performance.
3) Kero-World wicks provide a cleaner burning heater. Their superior design combines a smooth fuel flow and high temperature burning surface to produce a more complete combustion process.
4) Kero-World wicks provide a higher degree of safety. Using correct applications, high-quality raw materials, stringent construction methods and superior design, Kero-World wicks provide you with peace of mind.
On most of the wicks the burning surface is constructed of impregnated
fiberglass, providing a higher BTU output and less carbon build-up.
Correct thickness for ease of use and proper combustion.
One piece construction, knitted together with no seam eliminates
separation and provides improved capillary action, smoother fuel
flow and improved combustion. Correct diameter for easy fit and
proper burn.
Reinforced cloth band for additional strength. Correct guide-line
placement for easy installation. Quality construction methods provide
for strong long-lasting seam.
High quality cotton bottom provides excellent kerosene absorption
which provides the highest BTU output.
Correct length for proper draw and a more even burn.